Water time
Running drills
Water time
Smoother land drills
Head strong
Inside fun
Retrieving is fun
Fun time
Fun time
Future duck dog
Obedience Training
Fun time
Started pup
Future started dog
Irish Labrador
Future atarted dog
Fun time
Future started dog
Irish Labrador stormy
Future started dogs
Working on obedience
Lil fun time
Irish lab bolt
Irish Labrador Zoro
Zoro the started dog
Bullet the started dog
Future started duck dog
Basic Retriever Training
Started Labrador Retriever
Steady work/collar conditioning
Obedience Training
Etching forward with training
Started Duck Dog
Water work
Started Labrador Retriever
Easy pup
Gun Dog training
Stretching and polishing up next
Obedience Training
Horse/stall eval
dog training
Horse/stall eval
Obedience Training
Horse/stall eval
dog training
Horse/stall eval
Obedience time
Red female Gemma
Leash intro
Water time
Obedience time
Gun Dog training
Starting to understand the obedience
Leash intro
Water time
Fun time
Irish Labrador future started dog
Retriever training