doubles and backs
outside fun
office time
outside fun
office time
Gun bird Imp
land drills
clip 2 water
clip 1 water
land drills
etching forward
dummy time
picture time
water time
land drills
few water retrieves
first day leash intro
new handler obedience work
obedience tighten up session
pow pow time
steady work
started duck dog Grayson
shoulder launcher time
irish Labrador
back commands
fun time
land drills
starting to understand
short water work
tips and commands
Knox ob
Knox working on Obedience
Gun Bird Imp
Gun bird Imp
dog training
puppy training
dog training
puppy training
dog training
puppy training
Gun Dog training
puppy training
retriever puppy training
Steady work dog training
retriever puppy training
Steady work dog training
retriever puppy training
gun work retriever training
retriever puppy training
gun work retriever training
retriever puppy training
gun work retriever training
retriever training
retriever puppy training
Grass work retriever training
retriever puppy training
Grass work retriever training
retriever puppy training
Grass work retriever training
#4 yard
Cage 24
#4 yard