Test 2
Test 1
Blood Trail Training Lily
Blood Trail Training
Basic Retriever Training Sadie
Sot heel and push back drills
Clip 2
Confidence issue
Starting whistle response drills
Simple handling drills
Dog training chubs
Obedience Training loki
Dog training
House obedience
Dog training
Started Duck Dog chase
Dog training
Eval clip 2
Eval for quartering
Obedience basics
Long line
E collar obedience
Short ff
First day eval
Welcome in
Sight house obedience
Dog training
House eval clip
First day video
First day video
Blog Test
Starting obedience
leash introduction
One week eval
Not to bad as far as aggression
First week eval
Grass work
More imprinting
Started Duck Dog danny
Started Labrador Retriever Danny
Started Labrador Retriever Gracie
Retrieve drills
Test 2
Eva clip
Not bad at all
Learning obedience
Dog training
Guns and birds
Bonnie Birds and Guns
First day video
Shed hunting
House Eval video
Blood Trail Training bentley
Dog training
Guns and birds