Final video
water time
Getting use to us
pow pow time
ugly obedience
pow and frozen quail
hot quartering
ball drive
getting used to the harness
getting into tallgrass
Learning odors
few more on the water
retriever work
getting better fixing to start adding multiple diversions
quick water work
water drills
land drills
irish Labrador rusty
etching forward
2 yard
gun and bird
gun and bird
gun and bird
2 yard
gun bird
gun bird
2 yard
gun bird
2 yard
grass work
grass work
Doing well
building drive
2 yard completion
gun and bird
gun bird imp
imprinting complete
profile picture
2 yard
2 yard
casting work
water doubles/backs
putting it together
4 yard
4 yard
4 yard
ATV time
platform work