retriever puppy training
irish labrador
excellent retrieving pup
same side doubles
retriever training
retriever training
same side doubles/backs
land drills for ram the started dog
simple water work
pup retrieves
fun pup work
leash intro
more retrieving drills
retriever training
bird/quartering work
daisy running trail
quick clip
2 yard complete
retrieving with Adele
2 yard
retrieving with Stump
2 yard
retrieving with Stump
first clip
1st or 2nd day here
Dexter off leash
profile pics
remodel time
retriever training
moving up
imp complete
retrieving with Buster
Imp complete
retrieving with Southern
more water
rio the started dog
office fun time
food demo
moving up
pressure explanation
etching forward
early quartering steps
fun time with goku
retriever training ash
started dog work
after some collar work she does well without corrections
clip 1 using the remote if she pulls away
puppy retrieving
retrieving with cruise
Poppy retrieving
retrieving with Chloe
Poppy retrieving work
Retrieving with funky
Dexter off lead
Livy off leash and steadying for the retrieve
water work
moving forward
brush pile work
retrieving with Cedric
brush pile work
Retrieving with Buster
fun Golden’s
brush pile work
retrieving with southern