leash work
future started duck dog
fox red Labrador axel
office fun time
irish Labrador ash
multi pic test 2
multi pic test
duck dog training
British retrievers
retriever training
retriever training
starting half spin with Rio
In 4 yard
play time clip 2
play time clip 1
water time
leash intro time
started irish duck dog bandit
simple drills
prince started duck dog
etching retriever training forward
started duck dog betty
simple drills for pal
duck dog training
started dog pal
Heath started irish Labrador
started duck dog heath
pow pow time
ram started duck dog
quick office visit
grass time
short doubles and back
moving onto obedience
moving onto obedience
profile pic
profile pic
profile pic
retrieving with Leo
2 yard complete
blood trial long
blood trail
retrieving with Rosie
2 yard complete
retrieving with Bull
2 yard complete
retrieving with Bella
2 yard complete
retrieving with Chloe
2 yard complete
Retriever training
first retrieve eval
retriever work
Lucas eating
Lucas doing good