Woods time
Blood trailing special
Dog training
Finally settling in
Dog training
Obedience Training jack
Dog training
Instilling commands
Dog training
Instilling commands
Dog training
Obedience Training
Off lead update
Basic Retriever Training
First day video
Obedience Training
First day video
Obedience Training
Retriever Training
Etching forward
Obedience Training
Recall/multiple handlers
Grass time
Almost there
Obedience Training
Update: multiple handlers
Obedience Training
Update Video
Leash intro
Dog training
Training Video
Training update
Retriever Training
Tall grass update
Retriever Training
Water update
Profile picture
First day
Obedience Training
Almost go home 2
Obedience Training
Almost go home 1
Tall grass and water 2
Tall grass and water work 1
Dove hunt bear
Bear doing a great job in the dove field
Blood trail
Blood trail dog
Basic Retriever Training
Opposite direction doubles
Advanced Retriever Training teal
Irish/British Labrador Puppy trooper
irish labrador puppy trooper
Irish/British Labrador Puppy Olivia
english labrador puppy Olivia
Irish/British Labrador Puppy Gracie
english labrador puppy gracie
Irish/British Labrador Puppy claire
english labrador puppy claire
Irish/British Labrador Puppy buck
irish labrador puppy buck
Update training video
Obedience Training
Update Video/almost e collar
Obedience Training
Profile update
First day eval
Profile picture
First day Eval
First day
Obedience Training
Off lead recall
Obedience Training
Profile picture
Just getting use to the place